The Polaroid technique allows me to explore and develop another facet of my creativity. It’s my favorite support. A support which has its own life, which reacts instantly and, in a way, often, unexpected. I like to see my work as a stylist through the object that is the Polaroid. It gives me the impression that, in the end, I have something left, something that is almost entirely mine. It's my eye that wanted this frame, my head that imagined this look, but it's the camera that offers me the finale .

AW 22/23
This collection is fully upcycled and handmade. Each piece has been carefully designed to give new life to materials destined to trash, thus redefining our relationship with waste. By reclaiming and transforming these materials, the collection questions the concept of wastefulness and offers a reflection on substainability. Every creation becomes a unique work of art, carrying a story that combines craftsmanship with environemental consciousness.